Satoshi Sekine: "Introduction of a research lab of Rakuten, a global e-commerce company" |
Ponente: Satoshi Sekine, (Rakuten Institute of Technology, NY) Fecha: martes 12 de noviembre de 2013 Hora: 11h00 Lugar de celebración: Sala de Grados A, Escuela Politécnica Superior, UAM Abstract I'm going to introduce the activities at Rakuten Institute of Technology, New York (RIT-NY). It is a research laboratory of Rakuten, a global e-commerce company. Many NLP, text mining, data mining and ontology related technologies are applied in order to make business impacts with the real data with real business needs. The research topics includes misclassified product detection, product attribute extraction, product-product matching, a new style product recommendation using NLP and statistics.
Bio Satoshi Sekine has been working on NLP field for more than 20 years, in particular in the field of Information Extraction. He received MSc at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in 1992, and PhD at New York University in 1998. He developed On-Demand Information Extraction, unsupervised relation discovery, 200 category NE definition and so on. He joined Rakuten in 2010 and lead RIT-NY since then.
Lugar de celebración Sala de Grados AEscuela Politécnica Superior, UAMc/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11Campus de Cantoblanco28049 MadridMateriales Próximamente... |